Ethan Crews Announced as 2016 Dr. Ashley Matthews Scholarship Recipient

Dr. Matthews was a 1989 graduate of Northview High School right here in Dothan! Each year, Dr. Matthews awards a graduating Northview senior a scholarship to continue their education. This year, the Dr. Ashley Matthews Scholarship recipient is Ethan Crews.

Ethan and his parents, Cindy and Marc Crews have been patients of ours for many years and we could not be prouder of the bright young man he has become. Ethan is graduating with a 4.56/4.0 GPA from Northview! In addition to Dr. Matthews’ scholarship, Ethan was awarded two scholarships to Auburn University. We are so proud! Congratulations, Ethan!

Here are a few pictures of our very own Amy Hunter Bonds presenting Ethan and his parents with the Dr. Matthews Scholarship!

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